My concept that I am going to share comes from Chapter 8 "How Can I Help Slow Learners?"
"our genetic inheritance does impact our intelligence, but it seems to do so mostly through environment". We find this very true in the Kindergarten classroom. When these kids come to class, it is very evident the student's experiences in specific areas. The way a child holds a pencil, handles a book, colors, cuts, manners, listening skills, behavior, and oral expression are all observed. Even though these kids come with varying degrees of expertise. These children's "intelligences can be changed".
As the book says, it would be nice if all children were equal in all areas. We know in reality, this does not happen. Especially at the early childhood level there are definite gaps of varying degrees at all developmental stages. The age range of early five years old to six year olds have been the age ranges in the classroom. They all have specific strengths and all have specific weaknesses in developmental areas. We know that the gap of these learners will not be closed between the strongest student and the weakest student, but we as teachers, and the students themselves work to close the gap.
In experiences with these gaps I have found something to be true in the last two years with my class. Some of my most "lower intelligent" people have been the most driven students that I have taught. As the book has talked about, some of the smarter children have been presented with challenging material. Since things have become so easy for these students, when presented with challenging material they shut down. They do not want to fail. With some "coaching" and praising for their efforts, they work through this. Some of the slower kids have had the drive, the want to suceed and do what they see their peers doing. They are not afraid to fail. With much praising and coaching they seem to blossom from seeds into flowers. They flourish through their many trials that make them successful.
Melanie, you make an excellent point when you said that the "lower" people are the more driven students than the "higher" people. They want to succeed and are used to working hard to not fail, whereas the other students are not used to working so hard and easily give up if it doesn't come easily. Good point.